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ü Ϲ ü(2n)̰, ü ܻü(n) 뱳 ϸ ȰѴ. ׷ Ĺó ʰų, Ĺ ڹݷ ó ڸ ʰ ĸ ϴ ־ Ȱ ſ پϴ. Ư ķ÷⡤äó ü ü ũⰡ 뱳() ϴ ְ, ̿ٽøó ü ̰ ũ⸦ ϰ ü Ŵ 뱳 ϴ ִ. , ٴ Ǵ ߿ Ȱ , δ öũó ƴٴϱ⵵ Ѵ.

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ȫ ߿ ؼؼؼ еǰ, ִ µ ִ ִ. ̸׸, ؼ δ ٴټ塤񰫸 ְ, ؼ δ ̿ꡤڹݡ칵縮ҵ縮 , ؼ δ ٽø˵̡ƼīǪ ִ. ѱ ȿ (˩, 1966) Ͽ 길 ̺ ؾ Ϻη Ͽ 1, 길 ϸ ؾ ߳η Ͽ 2, ؾȰ ︪ ߺα ؾȱ Ͽ 3, ߺ 굵 ̺ ؾȱ Ͽ 4, ϴ븦 ֱ Ͽ 5 Ͽ. ׸ 1 Ϲ(۰ͧ) 29% 2%´ 52%(ͣ) 18 %, 2 Ϲ 10 % ´ 70 % 4 % 16 %, 3 Ϲ 6 % ´ 76% 5% 13%, 4 Ϲ 6% ´ 71% 4% 20%, 5 Ϲ 2%´ 74% 10% 15% Ǿ .

Ĺ ޸ Ұ cm ȿ ѷ () ִ. ̴ ռ ʿ ɺ , ׸ 뿡 Ĺ Ͽ ߿ Ǵ ð ̿ ȯ溯ȭ  ߵ ִ ٸ ̴. Ϲ ޺ ٴ  Ǿ . ʷ ȴ. ׸Ͽ Ҹǰ, ûϻ  ִ. ̿ ҿ, ȫ ʷ ο ڶ Ư¡ Ÿ ִ.

Ϲ öũ ܼ 200m ɱ ˷ Ϲ 520m ϸ, 50m ̱ ϰ ִ ִ. Ư ؾȿ ־ ߿ κκ ߿ Ǵ Ѵ. ׺ ĵ ĥ ƨ ô κ 񸻴(ޫ), 뺸 Ʒκ Ǵ ɴ() Ͽ ϴ ޶ ִ. ѱ 񸻴뿡 뿡 з ö ҵ縮 ִ. ο Ż̡ҵ縮Ǯ縮衤Ȭķ , ߺο СС , Ϻο ꡤ̿ ǡڹݷ ǥ ڶ ִ.

买 뿡 Ǵ ä ִµ, ٸ Ÿ. ۿ ä ֱŷ ް Ͽ ä ְ, dz ̰ų ĵ з ؾȿ ä ִ. ̵ ι ľ ÷ õ () ʰ Ʒ Ĺ ǥ ִ.

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ȫĹ̶ Ѵ. ѱ ̻ ϸ, ؾȡؾȡؾȰ ֿ ϴµ, ϴ ִ.

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칵縮 ׹ õ()̰, ι  īⳭ(carrageenan)̴.

ȫĹ ڡڡ̺ ϴµ, ̵ ü п Ǹ, Ư ڴ 硤()ﰢ .

, ܻ ü ڿ () ϰ ̵ ڵ鿡 Ͽ ̷µ, κ ڸ ϴ ȫĹ з ٸ Ư ¸ ̸ з ֿ ĺ ϳ ´.

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̿ 뱳 з ణ Ư ͵ ־ з ٸ ĺ ̿ȴ.

ȫĹ ĹĿ 2(˵) зѴ.

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ȫ(˵: Florideophyceae): () ϴ () ڸ . (Nemaliales: 󰡶󡤹ٶƽĶ󰡽 )칵縮(Gelidiales: ߡ칵縮칫 )Ƹ(Cryptonemiales: ٴǥȤ١ԹߡȣǮ縮Ƹ졤 )縮(Gigartinales: ׸丶١ÿ칫÷⡤ιߡ縮 )ε޴ϾƸ(Rhodymeniales: ̡ε޴Ͼơ߷ )Ǯ(Ceramiales: Ǯڡܸ硤 ) ִ.

ȫĹ , ǥ ̴. 칵縮÷ õ ̰ Ŀϸ м ε Ѵ. ιߡ縮  īⳭ Ѵ. īⳭ Ŀȣ()μ ǰ ȭ()μ θ δ.

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